HempScent Rope System - Single Setup

deer scrape rope
deer scrape rope
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HempScent Rope System - Single Setup

Free Shipping On Orders Over $98

Includes: 30 inches of HempScent™ Rope, 10 feet of attachment cord, and a 4 oz. bottle of AllSeason Scent™

We took something great and made it even easier!

The HODAG HempScent Single-Setup System allows you to create an effective mock scrape in minutes with our ready for the field design. Utilizing our proprietary rope blend, along with a pre-attached 10 foot length of attachment cord. Simply hang your rope, apply the AllSeason Scent, and watch year-round deer interaction.

  • HODAG HempScent Rope is a proprietary rope blend that maximizes durability and absorption of both HODAG AllSeason Scent and natural deer scent
  • HempScent Rope Systems create extremely effective mock scrapes in the location you choose
  • Fast, easy, ready for the field mock scrape design
  • Proudly Made in the USA
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