Licking Branch 6-Pack
Licking Branch 6-Pack
- (6) Licking Branch FlexPlates™
- (18) Anchoring screws
- (6) 8 oz. bottles of AllSeason Scent™
Save $40 when you buy a 6 pack of Licking Branch Systems!
- The HODAG Licking Branch is the perfect tool for creating mock scrapes that are self-sustaining and highly effective for whitetail hunting and scouting in virutally any locaiton.
- Patented spring technology allows the HODAG Licking Branch System to mimic a natural branch, handling the abuse of even the most aggressive whitetail bucks. This mock scrape system can be mounted on any tree using the included screws or a 1" ratchet strap. (Anchoring Screws require a T30 sized torx head)
- The included bottle of HODAG AllSeason Scent is the best deer scent to jumpstart physical interaction on your HODAG Licking Branch setup, attracting them to leave their scent purposely or inadvertently on your mock scrape, triggering a snowball effect of deer scent communication. AllSeason Scent is made of 100% natural compounds, containing no deer urine or glandular scent.
Real Customers,
Real Results

I purchased this stuff last year and within 2 days they was turned the branches up I bought the whole kit with the spring it worked awesome the first day of gun I killed a 11 pointer right side of the base was four and a half inches around left side was 5 in round was a great deer this year I've put some out again in two places and within two days they was tearing the tree up this stuff is amazing I will keep on buying it and everyone else that hunts should too
Perry Beach