This year we released the HODAG HempScent Rope, another product in our line of deer scent communication systems. With this system we decided to leave a lot of creativity to the customer as they decide where and how to hang them, and also how many setups they can achieve with a 6-foot section of rope. However, through experimentation we figured out how little is actually needed to create an effective setup.
This summer the staff at HODAG went to our respective properties to setup some of our new product and we decided to try different ways to utilize the ropes. We generally hung two-to-six-foot sections, but we put a couple setups out with spare cuttings from the shop about one foot in length. We were unsure about such a short section after watching bucks run larger sections of rope through their antlers and even chew on it. What we found was that as long as there is enough rope to hold scent the deer will use it one way or another.
We got big bucks on small rope, which like all our products emphasizes that bigger isn't always better. This is why we encourage our customers to get creative with our products. There is no "one size fits all" approach to hunting or the products that go with it, so experiment and make your setup fit your property and you'll be surprised with what your find.
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