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Why It Works

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Attraction & Establising Dominance

So, why do these deer seem to use the HODAG systems so consistently? Although we are not 100% sure, we believe there may be an early establishment of dominance taking place. We also believe it is simply as a means of the deer keeping tabs of the other members of there immediate herd or community. We know that deer are using scent as a means of communication year-round, we just aren’t always in the woods to witness it. We also believe that if we can condition deer to use these communal scenting locations, we will in-turn increase our chances of putting a shooter buck within range when faced with limited tree stand location options, predominant winds in relation to deer entry and exit trails and on small hunting plots and when those last few minutes of shooting light light fade and you need that extra few yards to be in range.


There are no products out there that are 100%, but many that can help increase the hunters chances. Our HODAG products will without question allow you to maximize your scouting efforts while minimizing your scouting impacts. You will maximize your trail camera’s performance while minimizing your time spent in the woods.



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